Bert’s Blog: There
have been some complaints about my perfume, why I don’t know as I love my
smell. Apparently the Mrs finds it
offensive so the Boss and I spent time in the bathroom where some soap
containing dogodorant, or some such word, was splashed all over me. Special attention was given to washing behind
my ears and other certain places which I am forbidden to mention here. My favourite bedding was also put into a machine
that never stopped still and I became quite giddy trying to keep tabs on
it. All in all I think I am going to end
up a bit of a ‘woofter’ again (canine term for dogs who don’t smell like dogs). Bathing is not a dog’s favourite pastime.
Prior to
this ignominious turn of events I was enjoying myself participating in several
exciting days out beating with the Boss looking for game - and believe me it
was – a great game. I am sure it must be
in my genes as I loved it and can’t wait for the next time. Meeting up with
other dogs that look like me and running through the undergrowth, searching and
finding, learning the shape and smell of the game and when to keep still and
when to forage is my idea of heaven. I
am not afraid of the guns banging and I can bring birds back to the Boss which
he is very pleased about. Unfortunately I
also retrieved someone else’s on a few occasions which the Boss was not so
pleased about and he said I need more restraint, but I get so excited that I
get carried away. Apparently, time spent
on the lead will prevail in the future and if he mentions ‘bath’ again then I will
definitely calm down and sit very still…Monday, 17 December 2012
Sunday, 4 November 2012
November 2012
This is my nose and although highly
prized in the dog world and by the Boss, it also has the capacity to get me
into trouble occasionally…..
Sniffing in the
garden recently I found a small white ball which when thrown in the air,
bounced with alacrity and was easily catchable in my mouth. I had a great game with it and the Boss
laughed at my antics. He plays with a
similar white ball in the garden sometimes, but strangely by hitting it with a
long stick. Once I had accompanied him
and the Mrs on a ‘round’ when they both hit white balls with various sticks until
it eventually disappeared down what I thing was a rabbit hole. Confusingly
boring I thought but it made for a nice walk.
Last week, when
resting in my favourite place in the Boss’s truck waiting for him to come and
find me, boredom struck. When my nose
told me that there were some little white balls in the bag laying right next to
me containing long sticks, I thought I would
liberate a few and entertain myself playing that game of throw and catch
Let me tell you,
I was more than half way to attaining what my nose was telling me and
liberating the first of the many balls I was sure were in there when disaster
struck. It would only have taken another
couple of gnaws on the frame and they would have all come bouncing out but the
boss appeared at that point togged up to play with his sticks and told me in no
uncertain terms that I had been a little too keen on this occasion to follow my
nose and I was certainly not allowed to accompany him on this round.
Friday, 5 October 2012
September/October 2012
I liked France and want to go back
next year to meet more perfumed poodles and learn the language, which as far as
I can tell is called “yap” as that is what most of the French dogs I met were
Now back at home I accompany the Boss
in his work in the countryside and woodlands, running around and sniffing
(that’s me, not him) but have also learnt to stay close when told in case I
upset some of the wildlife, however recently some of the wildlife upset
When checking security and welfare of
small birds that live within a large park enclosed by a very insignificant
looking wire, I found to my cost the wire carried a rather large bite. Whilst trailing the Boss as he went about his
work, I inadvertently sniffed it and momentarily felt a sharp nasal shock similar
to finding out that the small ball of fur at home had claws. This unfortunate
event concluded in us both being late home for dinner after a long game of tag
until the Boss finally managed to catch me. Once I had calmed down and the Boss
had got his breath back we finished our work.
On our return home my Boss unfortunately fell afoul of the Mrs who had
been expecting us much earlier. Her
sympathies definitely lay with me when, on hearing his explanation of our
tardiness, she promptly gave me the Boss’ dinner and he had to make do with
mine. Sometimes it pays to keep quiet!
Thursday, 16 August 2012
August 2012

Talking of strokes, I have learnt my own version. When my fur coat became rather too much in the heat, we swam in a large puddle called a lake amongst many other people doing their own stroke. Mine is called Doggy Paddle and, as well as learning not to drink all the water in the lake, apparently I should avoid other swimmers who may not appreciate my method of drying off without a towel. It was good to get wet without soap for once.
Each night we would walk in a
different ‘Département’. In one, a small
white curly dog with a ridiculous haircut (I think it was called a poodoo) made
eyes at me but I was hastily removed from the scene before I could find out
what scent she was wearing.
My lessons at ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ are
coming along nicely; at times with ‘fetch’ I am a little too eager and have, as
the Boss likes to say, ‘jumped the gun’ and lost sight of my quarry, however
the Boss found his when we visited several buildings called ‘wineries’ which I
thought would be full of miserable dogs complaining vocally, but found only silence
mingled with a fruity perfume. These
visits always ended happily with the Boss carrying away a box of bottles full
of a liquid I do not get to taste, but he does.
If he had a tail he would be wagging it.Thursday, 19 July 2012
July 2012
Bath turned out to be a place crammed
with buildings, thick with people and lots of weird smells. Boss explained this
was a Town and no sniffing or misbehaving allowed. To get there I experienced riding in a very
tall box with circular legs, stairs, tickets and many directionally confused
occupants who kept getting on and off – they had obviously lost the scent.
While padding round Bath I waited
outside a very large building called The Abbey (see photo) while viewing went
on inside. I am learning the new word
‘stay’ which confusingly sounds like ‘play’ but means the opposite and involves
me sitting still in one place while the Boss walks away, then I get up and
follow him. I am not sure this is
correct as we have to repeat it so many times that I get bored, lay down and
just ignore him, at which point he praises me.
Will I ever understand Boss talk?
Back at home I have been introduced to
another small version of the Boss. I
envy this one as he is allowed to sleep peacefully in his bed, experience much
petting and gets fed when he makes a loud noise ….. I wish.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
June 2012
Another experience this month has been
going on a holiday where I saw the biggest pond ever which looked as if it was
always racing in to catch me but never actually did. I had long walks on soft powdery stuff which
allowed me to examine my own footprints and was very easy to dig. The Boss is developing a strange habit; I
can’t work out why he keeps throwing things away when he always wants me to get
them back. I have learnt the word ‘fetch’
since this habit started and I have to tell you I am becoming quite proficient
at it.
Occasionally I wear a rope necklace which
I am quite capable of carrying myself but this is frowned upon as the boss
wants to carry the other end. If I walk
too far ahead it gets quite tight and I have to slow down and walk to heel,
which I keep getting muddled with meal and start looking for food, all very
If I am taken short on a walk and do
the unmentionable the Boss has an endless supply of plastic bags for his
collection. I could understand if he
saved bones or sticks but find it strange that he collects my deposits. However I have seen other Bosses do this; it
must be a favoured pastime so I can stop worrying about my Boss developing any
more strange habits.
May 2012
My world is
expanding - I go for rides with the Boss in his box with circular legs which
has a multitude of strange smells. When
I go to new places I love sniffing around but the Boss likes me near him so I
am learning a new word about feet which is repeated many times and sounds like
‘meal’ but sadly doesn’t have the same consequences.
I am told I am becoming international and now have a passport. I must have missed something as all I remember of the occasion was that man again in the white coat and the clean house sticking a sharp thing into my leg and the boss fussing around with his wallet and looking a bit down.
more pleasurably, I am being introduced to miniature versions of the Boss and
the Mrs, they seem really friendly but I can’t understand a word they say and
they aren’t as proficient on two legs as the Boss is. Sadly they seem more interested in the long
tailed small ball of fur which moves very slowly, except when I appear on the
scene and it acts like greased lightning.
I will persevere…
Monday, 4 June 2012
April 2012
I arrived
here in November last year, slept right through Christmas, drank puppy milk,
puppy biscuits and water, although I have given up the milk now as it is a bit
childish to be seen drinking it at five months - I stick to water which I love,
except in the large white container in the room with soap.
There is
another dog who speaks the same language as me in the adult Kennel but I am not
allowed too much contact because she gets fed up with me hanging off her lips
and ears, which I call play but she doesn’t.
She looks a dead spit for my mum but her name’s not the same. There is also a small ball of fur with a
long tail living here but I have not yet been able to get close enough for a
thorough Inspection.
I’ve been
told I have been chipped, but I didn’t feel a thing and it had nothing to do
with potatoes. A man in a white coat
seemed very interested in me but his house smelt too clean so we didn’t stay
The Boss has
spent a fair bit of time repeating words to me, which gets a bit tiresome
sometimes when all I want to do is play, but he seems pleased when I park my
backside on the cold ground when he says “sit” so I go along with it to keep
him happy.
Off to nose
round the garden now…..more next month.
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