Wednesday, 15 May 2013

MAY 2013

MAY 2013

Bert’s Blog: Since their return from holiday I have had trouble recognising the Boss and Mrs as they seemed to have changed colour!   This is me doing a double take ‘is it them or not?’ until my nose took over and recognised them both.  They were much closer to the tone of my own brown coat, but theirs is fading fast whereas mine stays chocolate smooth and shiny.  We had a joyful reunion helped by a good report from my carer where I was staying.  I enjoyed myself and made some friends to play with and apparently I am allowed back at any time so I must have been good. 
Since my return the Boss has acquired a new box on wheels which does not smell the same as the previous one which, I have learnt, the Mrs is quite pleased about.  She has insisted that all paraphernalia pertaining to me and the Boss must only be put in the rear and at no time should any ‘game’ be put inside the cab, where at the moment it smells a bit like the dreaded ‘bath’ room, so I shall be quite happy not to spend time in there.  The only regret is that the seats smell rather like a favourite chew I once had but I don’t think I will ever get the chance to check their flavour out.
I’ve had the pleasure of trying the new box on wheels out when accompanying the Boss on his vermin shoots.  I love this as it means I can run as fast as I like to collect pigeons from all over the fields as they fall out of the sky.  When they don’t there is a lot of sighing and moving and we all wonder where they are – not so daft these birds I think…..