ZZZzzzzzz, just
come back from shooting and so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. I had a few Miniature helpers with me this
time and they were extremely helpful with carrying the pheasants and pointing
out the direction in which I should be retrieving. I rewarded them handsomely with large licks
and a few tail flicks. The season is
warming up nicely and we shall be having pheasant for dinner along with the odd
duck or two. I just love all the
leftovers and spend a large part of the evening waiting patiently to see if the
Boss and the Mrs manage to eat all their dinner or if there will be some left for
me. I have to sit nicely before it is
offered and have learnt not to be too over confident about what is left on the
plate as they both seem to like their dinners as much as I do. In one unfortunate instance impatience got to
me and I executed one of my upward bounding jumps to have a ‘look see’ what was
left on the plates the Mrs was carrying back to the kitchen. The accidental nudge the Mrs hand received in
my ill-timed bounce resulted in disaster, there was a loud crash and not only
did I miss having my rations that night but I was banned from the kitchen for
quite a while with dinner reduced to the usual Biscuity stuff and served to me
in the solitary confinement of my bedroom.
The Boss kept out of it saying I had made my bed and now I had to lie on
it – thank you, that’s a big help! This
situation lasted until I managed to ingratiate myself back into the Mrs good
books by showing her my undying love with fluttering semi-closed eye lids,
expressions of total obedience, plentiful demonstrations of my obsequious belly
crawling and being extremely quiet and good until she had forgotten all about
the incident – humility always helps and as I told her with a lick to her hand,
it’s never a good thing to bear a grudge for too long…
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
In between ball
games there has been a lot of work on preparing for the imminent shooting and beating
dates and I am benefitting from a clearing out of the freezers in readiness for
this seasons booty. I always take an
interest in the game stock in the freezer and look forward to any bits and bobs
tossed my way that are not required for the Boss. Actually the Mrs is a bit
ambivalent about the game stock sometimes and longs for prepacked neat meat
from the supermarket so my ears always prick up when I hear the phrase ‘not
again’, then I know that whatever the Boss has suggested for dinner will end up
on my plate. It’s a dog’s life – food
and ball games, but someone’s got to live it.

Why they seem to
be so interested in these flighty feathery cheepy critters I cannot
fathom. No sooner has one been spotted
than they instantly fly off and become heavily camouflaged in the nearest tree,
never to be seen again. However, there
was one interesting flyer at the lake recently who executed an even more
perfect dive that I can. He was a very
striking turquoise blue and emerged from the water carrying a fish in his beak
even faster than I can retrieve a stick - I was actually impressed by this feat
and the Boss and Mrs seemed very pleased to have seen him, I believe he had
some connection with Royalty and fishing….
Just in case you
are wondering - the pink bone was a gift from a predecessor and I am manly
enough not to be bothered by it’s colour.
It has a lovely little squeak and fits neatly into my mouth for
carrying. The Mrs has a nasty habit of
hiding it when she thinks I am not looking - hence my guarding it tightly in my
paw while I sleep. I like the squeak!
Sunday, 10 July 2016
You know that
feeling of boredom that comes over you when you have to wait for any length of
time – well it overcame me at lunchtime recently. So much so that I had to come and look in
through the window to see if they had finished lunch yet as I was getting
peckish, wanted to play and was fed up sitting around doing nothing. There was an alternative motive as well –
French sticks – not the sort made from trees, but the sort made from bread –
all crispy on the outside and gorgeously tasty on the inside. They make such a satisfying crunchy noise
when you bite down on them and are conveniently sized to just fit into my mouth
without too many gaps round the edge. I
do know from experience that once the Boss and Mrs have finished their lunch,
not only do they emerge from indoors to play again but they usually come
bearing the remains of the French stick they had for lunch and I am given it as
a treat.
Recently I
accompanied the Boss and Mrs to a shop where they sell nothing but French
sticks – I couldn’t believe my eyes (or my nose) The smell was droolingly lovely and after
buying several to take home the Boss inadvertently put them into my travelling
compartment for the homeward journey. I
believe in share and share alike – do you?
Anyway there were far too many for just the Boss and Mrs to eat so I
helped them out by chomping half of one before we reached home…. Big mistake! The Boss got it in the ear from the Mrs for
incorrectly placing them near me and I got it in the ear from the Boss for
checking the flavour had not changed.
Maybe I should
just ‘stick’ to the tree sticks in future and leave the French ones alone!
The world
underfoot has turned blue with a certain perfume in the air - at least it has
in the woods surrounding The Vyne NT.
Normally I can forage where I like but, in there, you need to be led and
you also need to be careful where you park your backside in case you crush any
of these smelly flowers. There is a sign
up saying leave any babies where they are as their parents will come back to
collect them in their own time. I was
seriously worried we would find wailing miniatures in the undergrowth but upon
hearing a few hoots and a fluttering I realised they must mean the resident
owls. The only miniatures we saw were
little black lambs being staunchly protected by their rather scary horn headed
mothers. The Mrs strolls slowly around
clicking a small contraption which captures images which she will eventually
replicate using the most difficult method she can involving pigment and water –
she calls it painting, I call it boring.
I kept trying to position myself so that I could present my good side in
all of the photos in the hope I would appear in watercolour one of these days
but she seems more interested in these smelly flowers at the moment. After bounding around for a few hours I
decided I needed to cool down in the conveniently flowing nearby stream. After some altercation with the Mrs it
turned out she seemed much happier with this than she was with the muddy
puddles of last month and thankfully I didn’t have to put up with that
embarrassing bath routine when we returned home. By the way you may be interested to learn
that the dictionary I swallowed last month has now been completely digested and
my language has returned to barking simplicity….
Sunday, 24 April 2016
yes, you’ve guess correctly and no I am not
Mother Hubbard, but it is bath time again!
The Mrs seems very keen on keeping me smelling sweet, but her idea of
sweet is totally different to mine. A
good roll in the mud is always therapeutic for the fur and that was what I
availed myself to on a recent walk, only to find on our return that this would
be the outcome…. Nothing was said at
the time of the rolling and it was pure luck we found a puddle deep enough to give
a good covering but on the way home I detected a certain chilliness in the air
not related to the ambient temperature.
You will notice that I am becoming more eloquent, the reason
for this turned out to be another misdemeanour which I will relate to you. Fossicking about in the Boss’s
garage, where there seems to be an inordinate amount of ‘stuff’,
most of which the Mrs informs me is rubbish, I found a rather tasty book. It must have been stored somewhere near some
venison and pigeons because it had a lovely perfume – reminded me
of my bones, just the sort of think I like to chew on. Anyway there I was half way through this
engrossing read when the Boss turns up and takes it away from me –
I never did get to finish it. Neither
did anyone else as my tooth marks had apparently rendered half of it illegible –
told you I had learned some big words.
Turns out it was a dictionary – surprise!! – and the Mrs
was extremely disappointed in my choice of reading material, not to mention
chewing material. After a long and tiresome
reprimand I decided it would be in my
best interest not to take up reading to
pass the time as the Mrs does but choose the TV, like the Boss does, which
shows much more interesting things like golf, rugby, snooker, farming, fishing
and animals, which is why I think the Mrs reads so much……
Monday, 4 April 2016
I hope you missed me in February?
Sorry I couldn’t write in my blog but I was being transported via a very
choppy overnight ferry crossing to my new playing place in France. It was so
rough the Mrs said she had to sleep flat on her back to avoid being thrown out
of the bunk and the Boss swore his body actually levitated several times but I
slept straight through the trip, snug in my usual bed in the Boss’s
Once at Maison Millie I ensured
all the usual smells were still in place and we went to check the fish were
still in the ‘etang’. This photo shows
me trying very hard to resist their retrieval by jumping in but I now know
better and that the Boss has to reel them in himself!
I spent my time in France making friends with dogs, electricians,
builders, farmers and neighbours, some of whom were intelligible but gave good
friendly pats and cuddles. We also found
some shooting buddies and watched the ‘shoot’ going on all around us, I found
it very exciting and wanted to join in with the tangle of hounds but the Boss
said no as I don’t speak the language….
Sadly, on our return the small furry spitty thing was not well and a
week later saw the end of her sixteen year feline reign. Apparently she is planted in the garden deep
enough to ensure my bone burying will not disturb her. I will miss my protagonist but not the nose
batting she always gave me. I was rather
hoping I would take her place on the Mrs lap now, but that does not seem to be
happening. The Mrs explained it is a question
of sizing but I am not sure if it is her size or mine she is worried about…. Nevertheless I will keep trying, as she says
- I can be very trying!
I have been travelling in France and they tried to tell me this was my new travelling kennel - No thank YOU.
Belated happy Christmas to all my followers, I hope you had a woofing
good time. I certainly did, with titbits
of turkey and lashings of love. After
sniffing all the presents under the tree to ensure none of them had bones
inside I retired to my bed to listen out for distant sleigh bells and then
checked the garden for reindeer droppings – didn’t find any.
The miniatures put in an appearance, all five of them and showed me
how to open presents with the utmost alacrity and speed, almost as quickly as I
excavate the garden when searching for my buried bones. The end result was very similar – great
The Boss and I are now deep into the shooting season and I have
proudly retrieved many pheasants and partridge for him. It is the time of year I love the most from
when he appears at breakfast time dressed in his shooting greens and I wear my
green lead with pride knowing I am doing the job I was born for. The freezer is getting stocked for the year
and every Sunday I have tasty game titbits to add to my biscuits as well as
long snoozes dreaming of running blissfully across the fields.
I wish you all a very happy healthy new year filled with some exciting
new smells for sniffing although the Mrs tells that sniffing and cold moist
noses do not have the same health connotations for you as they do for me. I wondered why one of the miniatures kept
trying to wipe mine with tissues…..
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